A Traditional Pharmacopoeia of the Baka Pygmies

an account of the flora of Equatorial Africa traditionally used by the Baka Pygmies of Cameroon

di Elsa Nervo

tutti i libri di Elsa Nervo

Collana: Acta Ethnica

Area Tematica: Scienze chimiche

ISBN: 978-88-96764-92-3

Anno: 2014

Pagine: 166

Formato: cm 16,5 x 24

Prezzo: 27,00 €

- Opera valutata e approvata dal Comitato scientifico-editoriale -

This second volume in the Acta Ethnica series of the “Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche sull’Etnobiofarmacia” (CISTRE) is following the first book, that was published in Italian on the same subject but with a different approach. The aim of these books is to present data on the uses of plants by the Baka Pygmies in their daily life, based on direct interviews conducted by different Authors among the Baka people living in the equatorial forest of Cameroon. This volume in English is aimed at a wider audience and its purpose is to provide more ethno-botanical information on the traditional remedies of little known Baka Pygmies. Other aspects of the everyday life of this people, worthy of attention from a socio-cultural perspective, are also reported.
It is interesting to note that the Baka Pygmies agreed to have the uses that they do of the plants validated in a scientific way.